Here I am with slides and demos of my talk at the latest SP Friday Budapest. I really enjoyed being part of the event, and I want to thank Agnes for inviting me.
About the demo, let me briefly explain the main steps to publish a SharePoint App on Microsoft Azure.
In case of need, let’s create a new Office 365 Developer Subscription, going to the following URL.
Start Visual Studio 2013 and create a SharePoint App project.
1. Target SharePoint Online in Office 365 or SharePoint Server 2013 on-premises
2. Choose your preferred development model. My one is ASP.NET MVC.
3. If you are targeting SharePoint Online, choose Azure Access Control Services (ACS) for apps Authorization. If you are targeting SharePoint 2013 on-premises, choose the Server to Server (High Trust) authorization model.
Now, develop your app. I would suggest you to replace the out of the box file in Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml with this new one, which includes all the stuff needed to support the Office 365 and the SharePoint Chrome control. The new file mainly declares the chrome control placeholder and includes the spcontext scripts needed to support SharePoint and the SharePoint App model. In order to properly support the SharePoint Chrome control you should also replace the out of the box Scripts/spcontext.js file in SharePoint app web site with the following one. It will include a bunch of JavaScript loaded from the host web site and declared in the SP.UI.Controls.js file. You should also add the app icon AppIcon.png to the target SharePoint App web site project.
Implement your business logic and debug your solution. Once you’re ready to test the SharePoint App, just press F5 and play with it. The local IIS Express engine will provide you all the capabilities to run the app locally.
Whenever you will be ready to publish your app, simply right click on the SharePoint App project and choose “Publish” from the context menu.
Visual Studio 2013 will ask you to create or select a publishing profile.
To target Microsoft Azure and an Azure Web Site, you will simply need to create an Azure Web Site using the Microsoft Azure management portal. Then, download the publishing profile file and choose it from the following Visual Studio wizard.
Just after that, you will have to provide the Client ID and the Client Secret for your SharePoint App. You can get these values using the Reseller Dashboard provided by Microsoft, if you want to publish your app on the Office Store. If you are targeting the Corporate App Catalog (on Office 365 or on-premises), which is more often the case, you can simply open the App Catalog site collection and navigate to the /_layouts/15/AppRegNew.aspx page of that site.
There you will be able to register a new Client Id and the Client Secret for your app, from an OAuth 2.0 perspective. Record the generated values, because after creating them you will not be able to access the Client Secret anymore. Write those values into the “Set app identity” step of the “Publish apps” wizard.
Now, within the “Publish your app” page select the “Deploy your web project” button. Visual Studio 2013 will publish your SharePoint App Web Site on the target Azure Web Site. Visual Studio will also change the web.config file of the target Web Site in order to include the Client ID and Client Secret you just registered.
After that, you can click the “Package app” button in the “Publish your app” page and create the .app file that describes your app. Upload the output .app file onto the App Catalog, under the “Apps for SharePoint” library, or onto the Reseller Dashboard if you are targeting the Office Store.
Now, you are ready to add your app on a target Site Collection. Enjoy!