Learn all you need to create SharePoint Framework solutions in this complete training workshop.
All participants will receive a free copy of the book “Programming Microsoft Office 365″, written by the instructor (Paolo Pialorsi), either in physical or electronic copy, based on your preference.
The goal of this workshop is to provide you with the most useful information to be productive when creating business-level solutions with Microsoft SharePoint Framework, targeting both Microsoft SharePoint Online and Microsoft SharePoint 2016 (on-premises).
The target audience for this workshop includes .NET and SharePoint developers who want to update their skills by targeting the new SharePoint Framework development model. In this workshop, you will learn how to create client-side Web Parts, Application Customizers, Command Sets, and Field Customizers. You will learn how to leverage the Microsoft Graph and custom REST API, to build SharePoint Framework solutions. Moreover, you will learn how to leverage the SharePoint PnP patterns, models, and libraries.
The instructor (Paolo Pialorsi) is a member of the SharePoint PnP Core Team, and wrote the only book from Microsoft Press about developing solutions for Microsoft Office 365.
Here you can see the outline of the workshop:
- Introduction to Microsoft SharePoint Framework
- Technological and architectural overview
- Setting up a development environment
- Creating basic solutions
- Developing SPFx solutions
- Client-side Web Parts
- SharePoint Framework Extensions
- Application Customizers
- Command Set
- Field Customizer
- Deployment of SharePoint Framework solutions
- Bundling and packaging
- Tenant-wide deployment
- Provisioning of artifacts
- Custom provisioning activities with PnP
- Versioning of SPFx packages
- Using the Azure CDN
- Using the Office 365 CDN
- Understanding Azure AD and the Microsoft Graph
- Understanding OAuth 2.0 and OpenId Connect
- Architectural information
- Consuming the REST API at HTTP level
- SPFx Advanced Topics
- Extending SPFx with SP-PnP-JS
- Customizing the UI with Office UI Fabric
- Consuming the Microsoft Graph
- The future of SharePoint Framework development
- Custom REST API and custom permission scopes