Updated NuGet packages for PnP

This month in OfficeDev PnP together with the May 2016 monthly release, we introduced support for SharePoint 2016 and a new naming convention for all the NuGet packages.
Now we have:

  • SharePointPnPCoreOnline: which previously was called OfficeDevPnPCore16 and targets SharePoint Online.
  • SharePointPnPCore2016: which is fresh new and targets SharePoint 2016 on-premises.
  • SharePointPnPCore2013: which previously was called OfficeDevPnPCore15 and targets SharePoint 2013 on-premises.


Now, aside from the name that is not really fundamental, the key message is that now we are starting to support more explicitly the various flavors of SharePoint (SP2013, SP2016, SPO).

But, what if you are already using a previous version of the packages and you want to upgrade them? Well, we still support the old “names” and the old packages, for backward compatibility. However, you will see that they are marked as “DEPRECATED.” Thus, even if you can simply update your current release to the latest (i.e. 2.4.1605) and skip the upgrade to the new packages, we kindly invite you to remove the old packages and to replace them with the new ones.

Luckily, you can accomplish this task pretty easily using the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio and invoking the following commands, for each project that you want to update:

Uninstall-Package OfficeDevPnPCore16 -RemoveDependencies -Force
Install-Package SharePointPnPCoreOnline

In the current sample, I’m removing OfficeDevPnPCore16 and I’m adding the new SharePointPnPCoreOnline package.

That’s all. Enjoy and have a nice coding with Office 365 and PnP.