ASMX Web Services of SharePoint: Finally deprecated!

Browsing in the SDK of the SharePoint 2013 Preview I found this: Two API sets are still supported in the SharePoint 2013 Preview framework for backward compatibility, but we recommend that you not use them for new projects: the ASP.NET (asmx) web services, and direct Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) calls to the owssvr.dll file. I […]

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Errata corrige for sample code 5.6 of my book

I’ve just found (thanks to a brilliant reader!) that code sample 5.6 of my book is wrong. Here you can see the right version of the code excerpt: // Listing 5-6 static void BrowseForContactsWithLINQ() { // Open the current ClientContext ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(“http://devbook.sp2010.local/“); // Prepare a reference to the current Site Collection Site […]

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