Episode #120 – Microsoft Teams Templates
Here you can find the transcript of Episode #120 of PiaSys TechBites. Welcome back to PiaSys Tech Bites. Today, I want to talk with you about the Microsoft Teams Templates. In fact, Microsoft recently introduced the capability to create a new Microsoft Team based on a template. The template basically defines some general information about […]
MCM/MCSM/MCA are not just certification exams!
After the shocking news that I found this morning in my mailbox, as like as many of my friends and buddies did, and after reading a ton of emails, tweets, and blog posts … I needed to think a little bit, spend some time with my family, and drink some good beers … Now, I […]
Accessing SharePoint 2010 via CSOM using claims-based Authentication and providing FedAuth cookie
A few days ago I’ve been asked about how to access a SharePoint 2010 web site using CSOM, when the target Web Application is configured to use the claims-based authentication, there are multiple authentication providers configured, and you want to provide a FedAuth cookie automatically. In fact, the ClientContext class provides the Credentials property or […]
Final Demos of my sessions at TechEd Europe 2013
At the following links you can find the latest and updated demos of my sessions at TechEd Europe 2013: SES-B320 – “Deploying Microsoft SharePoint on Windows Azure VMs” SES-B402 – “Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure in Microsoft SharePoint 2013” Keep in mind that the samples of SES-B402 are also part of the whole code samples of […]
Community Days 2013–Demo and slide of my session about Windows Azure ACS
Thanks everybody for attending my session about Windows Azure ACS in .NET and Windows Store Apps, yesterday at the Community Days 2013 in Microsoft Italy. Here you can find slides and demos of my session AZ01. Enjoy.
Sample Windows Store App consuming SharePoint 2013 at ESPC2013
The sample SP2013 Recipes app (Windows Store App) that I will demo at the upcoming European SharePoint Conference 2013 is ready and up’n’running. Come to attend my session to learn how to build such an app, consuming a SharePoint 2013 list of items as an external data source.
I’m Speaking at the European SharePoint Conference 2013
I’m speaking at the European SharePoint Conference 2013 and I’m delighted to be a part of this fantastic gathering of the SharePoint Community, Feb 4-7 2013, in Copenhagen, Denmark. I will be conducting three sessions – “Remote Event Receivers in SharePoint 2013“, “Consuming SharePoint 2013 from Windows 8 Apps” both aimed at developers and Deploying […]
How to create a new Farm Administrator via PowerShell
Today I needed to create a new Farm Administrator and I tried to figured out how to do that simply using PowerShell, aside from creating the user in the directory service, of course. Here is a complete script to gain the result: ———————————————————————————————- Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -erroraction SilentlyContinue # Creates a new Farm Administrator $newFarmAdministrator = […]
Demos of my webinar at the European SharePoint Conference 2011
Here you can find the samples I illustrated during my webinar “SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools” for the European SharePoint Conference 2011. Let’s meet in person at the conference between 17 and 20 of October 2011. If you’ve not yet registered, just do it!
Book signing at SharePoint Conference 2011
Today (Wensday 10/05/2011) at 3PM at O’Reilly booth at SharePoint Conference 2011, book signing of my book “Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Developer Reference”. See you there!